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How to Turn Off Active Status on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

Instagram’s “Active Status” feature allows others to see when you were last active or if you are currently online. While this feature can be helpful, it may not suit everyone’s privacy needs. If you prefer to browse Instagram without others knowing when you’re online, you can easily turn off your active status. In this article, we will guide you through the process of turning off the active status on Instagram, whether you are using an iPhone or an Android device.

******Quick Guide******

What Is the Active Status on Instagram?

Before diving into the steps, let’s clarify what the active status on Instagram is. The active status, also known as the “Activity Status,” allows your followers and friends to see when you were last active on the platform. This is indicated by a green dot or a timestamp, such as “Active 5 minutes ago,” next to your profile name.

Why You Might Want to Turn Off Active Status

There are several reasons why you might want to turn off the active status on Instagram:

  • Privacy Concerns: You may not want everyone to know when you are online.
  • Avoiding Unwanted Conversations: Turning off the status helps you avoid people who might reach out to you simply because they see you are active.
  • Controlling Your Time: If you find yourself spending too much time on Instagram because others see you are online, turning off the status can help you manage your time better.

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How to Turn Off Active Status on Instagram Easily

Turning off your active status on Instagram is simple and can be done within the app’s settings. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open Your Instagram App

Open Instagram on your device and make sure you are logged in.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile

Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner to navigate to your profile page.

Step 3: Access the Settings Menu

Once you are on your profile page, tap the three horizontal lines (hamburger icon) in the top right corner. Scroll down to the section “How others interact with you” and tap on “Message and story replies”.

access the setting menu

Step 4: Navigate to Story replies

Once you tap on ‘Message and story replies,’ you will see more options on the screen. Scroll down to the ‘Who can see you’re online’ section and tap on ‘Show activity status.’

Step 5: Turn Off Active Status

Toggle off the switch next to “Show Activity Status.” This will prevent others from seeing when you were last active or if you are currently online.

Turning off active status

Also read: If You Unfollow Someone on Instagram Will They Know

How to Turn Off Active Status on Instagram on iPhone

If you are using an iPhone, the steps are very similar to turning off the active status on an Android device:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Go to your profile by tapping your picture in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap the three-line menu and select “Settings.”
  4. Navigate to “Privacy” and select “Activity Status.”
  5. Toggle off the “Show Activity Status” option.

Video Solution

How to Turn On Active Status on Instagram

If you decide later that you want others to see when you are active on Instagram, you can easily turn the feature back on. Simply repeat the steps above and toggle the switch back to “On.”

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What Does “Active Now” Mean on Instagram?

The “Active Now” status indicates that the person is currently online and using Instagram. This status is visible to people you have direct messaged or those who follow you and vice versa.

Additional Tips to Manage Your Online Presence on Instagram

  • Limit Who Can See Your Activity: Even if you decide to keep your activity status on, you can limit who can see it by adjusting your privacy settings.
  • Be Selective with Direct Messages: Only allow direct messages from people you follow to minimize unwanted communication.
  • Regularly Review Privacy Settings: Keep your privacy settings up to date to ensure you have the desired level of control over your Instagram account.
Manage Your Online Presence on Instagram


Turning off your active status on Instagram is a straightforward process that offers you greater control over your privacy and online presence. Whether you want to browse Instagram without interruption or just prefer to keep your activities private, following these steps will help you achieve that. Remember, you can always turn the status back on if needed. Now that you know how to turn off your active status on Instagram, enjoy a more private browsing experience!


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